Two small end of term announcements:
1. Member Appreciation Night: If you show up to play this Wednesday (April 2nd) to session at the normal place (CIF) before 10:30, you'll be entered into a draw to win hundreds of dollars of prizes, including Starbucks gift cards, speakers, and a grand prize of a Nintendo 3DS!
2. End of Term Survey: In the interest of improving all things UWBC in the future, we prepared a short survey to get your much needed feedback. Responding to the survey enters you in a draw to win a $50 Conestoga Mall gift card. You must respond to the survey before 10:30 on Wednesday, April 2nd to be eligible for this draw. Check out the survey here: d/ 16QQGgxvrYuNCkFGA52xHFWKm1KKha kJNS-BrUinwE14/viewform